Notification system¶
Notifications provide information about different activities in accounts/mailboxes which you have access to:
New envelope
Envelope reached final status(complete, rejected, expired)
New invites to account/mailbox
Users accepted or declined your invites to account/mailbox
Role completed actions on the particular step in the envelope
To see your notifications you should click the bell icon in the upper right corner. By default bell without notification will be grey, when user get new notification bell will be shown with badge. Badge shows quantity of the notifications you have, if you have more than 9 notifications in badge shown “9+”. After clicking the bell icon window with notifications sorted by date will open.
All notifications are divided into three types:
- For users
New invites to account/mailbox
Domain verified or verification expired
- For account
User declined invites to account/mailbox
Integration notification(error with outbox/inbox file)
- For mailbox
New envelope
Envelope reached final status(complete, rejected, expired)
Dictionary uploaded or not on platform
Each notification consists of an icon+link+text+time of receipt.
All users with access to same account/mailbox observe all notifications for these elements. If one of the users clicks a notification he will be redirected to the corresponding page of our application and this notification changes state to read and will be hidden for all users.
All redirects depends on notification type:
User notification(invites to account/mailbox) - redirect to user profile on invites tab
Account notification(users declined your invite to account/mailbox) - redirect to admin panel on users tab
Account notification(user accept your invite to account/mailbox) - redirect to admin panel on users tab with filtered data for this user
Mailbox notification(new envelope or envelope reached final status) - redirect to correspond envelope page
Dictionary notification(uploaded or not on platform) - redirect to dictionary page
Domain notification(domain verified or verification expired) - redirect to admin panel on account setting on domain tab
The Notification tab
You can turn notifications on or off on the Notifications tab in the User Profile menu. There are divided into four logically structured blocks:
and by two criteria:
by e-mail
in the system
By default, all notifications are turned on. You can uncheck the box next to any type of notification and they will not be sent to you by e-mail or will not arrive in the system (bell in the upper right corner).