=================== Document management =================== This section describes all functionality of document editor. Document editor page contain the following data: .. image:: pic_documentManagement/documentEditor.png :width: 1440 :align: center 1. **Documents management menu** allows to view, create, reorder and delete documents inside template 2. **Document zoom functionality** allows to zoom documents inside template. Allowed options: Fit, 50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, 150%, 200% 3. **Text heading** allows to set the text heading inside document (paragraph, cell). Allowed options: Paragraph, Header H1, Header H2, Header H3, Header H4 4. **Text font** allows to set text font inside document (paragraph, cell). Allowed options: Arial, Calibri, Courier New, Gergia, Roboto, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Verdana 5. **Text size** allows to set text size inside document (paragraph, cell). Allowed options: Tiny, Small, Default, Big, Huge 6. **Text styles** allows to apply styles to text, paragraph or cell. B - bold text style, I - italic text style, underscored U - underlined text style, underscored A - colored text, paint icon - colored background 7. **Text horizontal align** allows to apply horizontal text align in paragraph or cell. Allowed options: align left, align center, align right, justify text 8. **Add link** allows to insert link with custom text to the document :ref:`Link functionality documentation ` 9. **Add image** allows to add image to hte document :ref:`Image functionality documentation ` 10. **Add table** allows to add static tables to the document. User is able to choose table columns and rows quantity. Max value is 10x10 :ref:`Static table documentation ` 11. **Add list** allows to add list to the document. Allowed options: numbered list and bulleted list 12. **Page break** allows to set a mark after which new page will be started in the printed version of the document. In the digital version it is marked as a grey line 13. **Split document** allows to split document vertically on two equal parts. All content which has been added before applying split option will be added to the left part of the document 14. **Document options** allows to open context menu with document options. Allowed options: Clone, Delete, Page size, Page orientation 15. **Right side bar menu** allows to add :ref:`dynamic fields `, configure template details and template flow. Menu opens by click or opened by default for screen resolution bigger than 1920p 16. **Document editor area** where you can add text, images, tables and dynamic fields **Content list** .. toctree:: structuredDocument/structuredDocument.rst externalDocument/externalDocument.rst pdfDocument/pdfDocument.rst fields/fields.rst