=============================== Server Configuration Properties =============================== Global properties ================= | **app.name** - The name of the platform | **app.theme** - The UI theme of the platform (Red or Blue) User properties (app.user) ========================== | **validation-code-hours-lifetime** - The life time of the validation code in email | **invitation-hours-lifetime** - The life time of invitation to the account | **seconds-between-validations** - To prevent many requests and many emails | **profile-phone**:boolean - Enable required phone on registration | **profile-phone-default-region** - Default phone region (UA,FR,GB) | **email-validation-code-length** - The number of characters for validation code in e-mail Locale properties (app.locales) =============================== | **supported** - The list of supported locales (en, ru, uk) | **defaultLocale** - The default locale of the platform (for invitations) | **defaultCountry** - The default country of the platform (if no coordinates in header) | **defaultAsLanguage** - The default locale will be taken as language in browser (geolocation and language of browser don't matter then) | **timezone** - The default time zone of the platform (for user creation, dates in email and pdf) Password policy (app.user.password-policy) ========================================== | **min-length** - Enforce minimum password length | **max-length** - Enforce maximum password length | **uppercase** - Require uppercase letters | **lowercase** - Require lowercase letters | **digit** - Require digits | **special-symbol** - Require at least one special character (! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = [ ] { } | | **repeat-character** - Do not allow repeating characters | **allow-whitespace**:boolean - Allow whitespace in password | **prevent-common-passwords**:boolean - Do not allow forbidden passwords (see BannedPassword db table) | **prevent-common-words**:boolean - Do not allow forbidden words in password (see BannedPasswordWord db table) | **expiration-days** - Password will be expired after days | **notify-before-days** - Send password expiration notification before expiration days | **prevent-reuse-months** - Do not allow reuse of passwords during period of months | **prevent-reuse-count** - Do not allow reuse of a recent number of passwords Session policy (app.user.session-policy) ======================================== | **session-hours** - Keep session during idle period | **single-session**:boolean - Enforce single session for one user | **single-ip-session**:boolean - Enforce single user session per IP | **max-login-attempts** - Maximum login attempts before locking | **max-attempts-timeout-minutes** - Lock time after multiple login attempts | **allowed-ips**:array - The list of allowed IPs | **blocked-ips**:array - The list of blocked IPs | **FYI** | Each property can be set via ENVIRONMENT property by replacing '.' with '_' and in upper case, see examples: | APP_NAME=WhiteDoc | APP_USER_PASSWORD-POLICY.UPPERCASE=2