================== Envelope Structure ================== Envelope data block below contains all fields which can be added to document body. .. code:: all fields envelope text text 10 10.20 2024-01-11 one 2 ...K5CYII= Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 11.22.54.png A two 2 1 2 // If dropdown contains option multiselect 1 2 Choice 1
.. csv-table:: :file: envelopeStructureData.csv :widths: 10, 10 How to fill each single field ============================= +----------------------------------------------------------------+ |**Text, Number, Currency, Date and time, A/B, Dropdown fields** | +================================================================+ |`value` | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ - name - string, name of the field you want to fill - value - the value of the field, all validation restrictions configurable on template, mandatory if field doesn't have optional attribute - several values as additional tags inside field tag +--------------------------------------------------+ |**Duplicate, Lookup and Autonumber fields** | +==================================================+ | | +--------------------------------------------------+ You may not to send these types of fields if template contains it. It's automatically filled in fields. +------------------------------------------------------+ |**Dictionary field** | +======================================================+ |`value`| +------------------------------------------------------+ - name - string, name of the field you want to fill - recordUuid - UUID, record UUID from dictionary you want to chose - value - the value of the field, all validation restrictions configurable on template, optional, but if you define value verification of recordUUID and value happen +------------------------------------+ |**Signature field** | +====================================+ |`value`| +------------------------------------+ - name - string, name of the field you want to fill - value - the value of the field, value in base64 format (...K5CYII=), all validation restrictions configurable on template, mandatory +------------------------------------+ |**Checkbox field** | +====================================+ |`value`| +------------------------------------+ - name - string, name of the field you want to fill - value - integer, value 1 to mark it checked, if you don't want to send value use optional field and skip fill in of particular one, all validation restrictions configurable on template +------------------------------------+ |**Choice field** | +====================================+ |`value`| +------------------------------------+ - name - string, name of the GROUP of radio buttons - value - string, name of the field from the GROUP of radio buttons which should be marked as chosen +------------------------------------+ |**Table field** | +====================================+ | | +------------------------------------+ .. code::
- fieldgroup name - string, name of the table field - fieldset index - integer, index of the table row (if you need more rows, just create more fieldsets)