========================= Sign document(s) with QES ========================= You can sign document if document has signature field inside assigned to the particular user. Using this endpoint you can sign document(s) with QES. Request ======= .. list-table:: :widths: 10 90 * - Method - PUT * - URL - ``/api/v1/envelope/{envelopeUuid}/sign`` * - Authorization - Bearer {token} * - content-type - application/json * - mailboxUuid - {uuid} * - Body - (array[documentId,signatureName,array with signature data,data (binary (base64) data with signature by which we sign document (part of signatures array),source (type of source we send (available sources: binary, text), (part of signatures array)),stamp (boolean)])) Request structure example ========================= .. code-block:: JSON [ { "documentId": "string", "signatureName": "string", "signatures": [ { "data": "string", "source": "binary", "stamp": true } ] } ] Response ======== If data in request is valid in response you will see Status code: **200 OK**.