===================== Check envelope status ===================== .. list-table:: :widths: 15 85 * - Method - GET * - URL - ``/api/v1/mailbox/{uuid}`` * - Authorization - Bearer {token} * - content-type - application/json * - mailboxUuid - {uuid} * - q - query parameter * - archived - boolean (default false) * - expireDatePeriod - ‘expirationDate’ period * - label - {uuid},{uuid} * - limit - integer (default 25) * - offset - integer (number of envelopes to skip, default 0) * - receiveDatePeriod - ‘receiveDate’ period * - scope - inbox,outbox * - sender - {uuid} * - sort - asc/desc * - status - DRAFT,WAITING,COMPLETED,EXPIRED,CANCELLED * - subject - string * - template - {uuid},{uuid} In response you will get short information about envelopes from this mailbox which match to filter criteria. For more information on this request was used filter by template. **Request URL example** ``https://api.platform_address_here/api/v1/mailbox/837bc65e-4818-48f5-a933-2d00b24b6e12?receiveDatePeriod=&expireDatePeriod=¶ms=%5Bobject%20Object%5D&scope=outbox&archived=false&period=null&sender=&subject=&template=e5705211-51d1-4c34-9429-c537038b3c44&expireperiod=null&label=&limit=20&offset=0&sort=desc`` **Response example:** Status code: 200 OK .. code:: json { "totalElements":3, "sizeRequested":20, "numberOfElements":3, "data":[ { "envelopeUuid":"e8d5a176-d75e-4d9d-ad19-c66ef300a4a1", "subject":"test 111", "message":"test 111", "archived":false, "sentByMe":false, "createdAt":"2020-12-08T13:35:29.228Z", "seenAt":null, "expiredAfter":"2021-01-07T13:35:29.330Z", "notifyBeforeExpire":false, "status":"SENT", "mailboxUUID":"837bc65e-4818-48f5-a933-2d00b24b6e12", "mailboxName":"testMailbox", "total":3, "completed":1, "labels":[ ], "templateUuid":"e5705211-51d1-4c34-9429-c537038b3c44", "templateName":"Job Offer" }, { "envelopeUuid":"24d0c0b1-0ad5-4122-9834-bcab5e8b3ea5", "subject":"test 111", "message":"test 111", "archived":false, "sentByMe":false, "createdAt":"2020-12-08T13:29:00.646Z", "seenAt":"2020-12-08T13:29:01.154Z", "expiredAfter":"2021-01-07T13:29:00.745Z", "notifyBeforeExpire":false, "status":"SENT", "mailboxUUID":"837bc65e-4818-48f5-a933-2d00b24b6e12", "mailboxName":"testMailbox", "total":3, "completed":1, "labels":[ ], "templateUuid":"e5705211-51d1-4c34-9429-c537038b3c44", "templateName":"Job Offer" }, { "envelopeUuid":"94544d72-301c-4cda-a7fa-e2b7ec4fec7a", "subject":"Test", "message":"Test", "archived":false, "sentByMe":false, "createdAt":"2020-12-07T16:23:40.133Z", "seenAt":"2020-12-07T16:23:41.312Z", "expiredAfter":"2021-01-06T16:23:40.244Z", "notifyBeforeExpire":false, "status":"COMPLETED", "mailboxUUID":"837bc65e-4818-48f5-a933-2d00b24b6e12", "mailboxName":"testMailbox", "total":3, "completed":3, "labels":[ ], "templateUuid":"e5705211-51d1-4c34-9429-c537038b3c44", "templateName":"Job Offer" } ] } **Response status codes** .. list-table:: :widths: 10 90 :header-rows: 1 * - Code - Description * - 200 - Success * - 401 - Not authorized * - 403 - Forbidden * - 404 - Not found **Request for full envelope with template** .. list-table:: :widths: 10 90 * - Method - GET * - URL - ``/api/v1/mailbox/{uuid}`` * - Authorization - Bearer {token} * - content-type - application/json * - mailboxUuid - {uuid} * - UUID - {uuid} In response you will get full envelope and template. **Response example:** Status code: 200 OK .. code:: json { "envelope": { "completed": 0, "data": " SENT2020-12-09T20:11:39.774Z" "labels": [ "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6" ], "receivedAt": "string", "total": 0, "uuid": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6" }, "template": { "access": "account", "archive": true, "categories": [ 0 ], "createdAt": "string", "data": "string", "dataCreatedAt": "string", "dataModifiedAt": "string", "description": "string", "modifiedAt": "string", "name": "string", "uuid": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", "version": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6" } } **Response status codes** .. list-table:: :widths: 10 90 :header-rows: 1 * - Code - Description * - 200 - Success * - 401 - Not authorized * - 403 - Forbidden * - 404 - Not found